Little Giant MegaMax 17 Ladder w/Air Deck Due 5/8/2024

The MegaMax
The MegaMax :tm: combines the strength, safety, and versatility of the classic Little Giant Ladder with several new groundbreaking features, including accessory portals and the AirDeck :tm: tool tray and safety handrail. The safety handrail gives you an added sense of security on the ladder; it can even prevent that shaky, uncertain feeling of vertigo you get when working at the top of a stepladder.

Each side of the MegaMax telescopes independently, giving you the option of several sizes of stepladders, from 4 to 7 feet. You can also adjust one side to work on staircases and uneven surfaces, or as a 90-degree stepladder. The Triple-Locking :tm:Hinge allows you to use the ladder as a stable, wide-based, multi-height extension ladder. Finally, the inner and outer ladder assemblies separate to form two trestles for a time-saving scaffolding system. Just add a sturdy plank or an optional aluminum telescoping plank. The Little Giant MegaMax is the next generation of multi-use ladder systems.
AirDeck Work Station
The AirDeck :tm: was specially designed by Little Giant Ladder Systems to serve as both a utility tray and as a safety handrail. The AirDeck easily connects to several Little Giant products and enables you to work more efficiently and safely by giving you a multi-use tray for your tools and a sturdy handrail for extra stability.
The AirDeck’s utility tray includes slots for power tools, screwdrivers, and other tools; fitted recesses for all sizes of paint containers (square gallon, round gallon, and round quart), and a magnetic tray for loose nails, screws, nuts, and bolts. The AirDeck also comes with two tool bungees for large or odd-sized power tools and can even serve as a drink holder. The AirDeck’s work tray is rated to hold up to 15 pounds of tools and materials.

NOTE: You should not use the AirDeck to climb higher than your ladder’s maximum safe climbing height—the second rung from the top cap. The AirDeck is designed as a comfort handle to offer extra support and should not be used to support your full weight.
Tip & Glide:tm: Wheels
    Tip & Glide :tm: Wheels make your Little Giant MegaMax even easier to use. Why carry your ladder around when you can wheel it wherever you need to go?

  • Enjoy an unmatched feeling of stability in any stepladder configuration thanks to the AirDeck:tm: tool tray and handrail, wide-flared legs, and the highest-quality construction.
  • User-friendly U-Locks make adjusting your ladder easier than ever before.
  • Reach some of the toughest areas, such as the space above the staircase, vaulted ceilings; and use your ladder over and around obstacles.
  • The Little Giant MegaMax meets or exceeds all OSHA and ANSI standards and is industrial rated up to 300 lbs.
  • Patented features
  • Material: Aluminum
  • Weight Safety Rating: 300 lbs. Type 1A
  • Min Step ladder height: 4 ft.
  • Max Step ladder height: 7 ft.
  • Min Extension height: 9 ft.
  • Max Extension height: 15 ft.
  • Storage Height: 4’ 7’’
  • Weight: 34 lbs.
  • Comes with new and improved AirDeck Workstation